• 12 августа 2015, среда
  • Алматы, Ул.Жандосова 55/4, Бизнес-инкубатор MOST (на территории НЭУ, бывший Нархоз ), схема проезда прилагается ЗДЕСЬ: http://goo.gl/vhsDno

МАСТЕР-КЛАСС: "How to become an entrepreneur? Case: How Solu project was built"

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Клуб молодых предпринимателей
3192 дня назад
12 августа 2015 c 19:00 до 21:00
Ул.Жандосова 55/4, Бизнес-инкубатор MOST (на территории НЭУ, бывший Нархоз ), схема проезда прилагается ЗДЕСЬ: http://goo.gl/vhsDno


This Wednesday, 12th of August we invite all of you to attend one more interesting master-class called “How to become an entrepreneur? Case: How Solu project was built”. The author and the speaker is an entrepreneur from Finland – Kristoffer Lawson, person with a big experience in product technology and technology innovation. He is a founder of a bank disruptor Hovi and of the largest digital art festival in the Nordics, The Alternative Party.

As on the official website is told: “Solu is aiming to change a complete industry with a unique approach and unique technology. The founders, advisors and shareholders are some of the most well known and respected figures in the industry, having built some of the most successful companies in Finland.”

So come on and visit the master-class tomorrow, Wednesday the 12th, at 7pm.



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